Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Rare opportunity to sign up for MTR 1400 at the last minute

We have quite a few open seats in our fall MTR 1400 courses, which is quite rare.  My sections have a few seats left!  Take advantage and sign up today!  My sections (and probably others) of the course are getting a big makeover this year and I am so excited to get started!  Storm chasing this past spring reinvigorated my love for weather, so I am all set to go.  Here's a description:

Description:  This course introduces the fundamental physical processes in the atmosphere—heat and energy, temperature, pressure, wind, clouds, precipitation, and stability. These concepts provide the basis for understanding weather systems, such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. These processes are also applied to climatic patterns and the impacts of human activity on weather and climate, such as air pollution and climate change. An optional 1-credit lab course, MTR 2020 Weather and Climate Lab for Scientists, is available for students interested in additional experience in the measurement and analysis of atmospheric data, and is required for some science programs.(Prerequisites: Minimum performance standard scores on reading, writing, and mathematics pre-assessment placement tests.) (GS Level II Natural Science, GS12 Natural/Physical Sciences, GT Physical & Life Sci No Lab)

Don't wait, August 4th is a big registration deadline for us to take stock of how many sections we can offer, and a deadline for students to register without a late fine.